Workshop on Teaching of Poetry (English)
Event Start Date : 14/02/2015 Event End Date 14/02/2015
The one day workshop on Teaching of Poetry (English) under the agis of DAV Centre of Excellence , DAV CMC New Delhi was inaugurated by Shri Raj Kumar Prasad DEO, Hazaribag by lighting the lamp on 14.02.2015 in DAV Public School, Hazaribag.
The resource person Dr. Rajesh Kumar , Dept. of English VBU Hazaribag said in his address to the teacher participants that poetry is something for perception. One’s feeling is expressed before others to be felt. Hence, it is must for the teachers as well the students to realize the same if they want to know the real theme of the poem. Further, knowledge of literary devices is also necessary. By presenting the poem “The Rhime of the Ancient Mariner “ written by S. T. Colerige , he explained the literary devices of the poem. He also suggested them to take the help of multimedia.

Shri R. K. Roy , Principal DAVPS Ara Kuju told the teachers how to appreciate the poem. The teachers will have to go to the level of students. First of all, the teachers must have the clear concept of the poem what they are going to teach. Further, he also talked on the topic Article & Creative writing. He enlightened them how to guide the students to write articles and how the students can be made imaginative & creative while writing any topic.

The Principal Shri Ashok Kumar welcomed the Guests and said that it was indeed a great moment when the teachers were going to be enlightened by the resource person which would help them to impart the quality education to the students.
Shri Raj Kumar Prasad , DEO Hazaribag in his address had lavish praise for the management for organizing such a knowledge oriented activity which shows the attitude & efforts of the management.
Shri Deepak Verma , IG (Retd.) appreciated the efforts of the management and extended his good wishes for the successful conduct of the programme.

Mr. Ashwini kumar I/C CCE while talking about techniques of teaching stressed on the fact that no method is the best method. It is the situational approach applied by the teacher, keeping the age, the text & the objective in view, which proves the best method for the students.
Mr. Krishna Kumar Singh in his interaction with teachers discussed on different types of poetry ie ballad, sonnet, ode and major components of poetry.

It was indeed a very interactive session. More that 50 teachers from Chatra, Ranchi, Barkakana, Koderma, Barhi etc. participated in this workshop.
Vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Ashwini Kumar whereas anchoring was done by Mr. K K Singh. The program concluded with Shanti Path.